
SFMTA weighs options for Sunday meters

Unpopular Sunday parking meter enforcement faces an April 15 SFMTA board vote.

10 years ago

Muni kicks F-Line fare hike to the curb

Negative public feedback has derailed a plan to raise F-line fares as high as $6.

10 years ago

SF firefighters climb to top of City payroll

Fire Department employees collected hundreds of thousands of dollars in overtime in 2013.

10 years ago

SFMTA plans budget town hall meetings

The SFMTA is opening public comment Thursday on its latest budget proposal.

10 years ago

SFMTA budget hikes fares, boosts service

A proposed two-year budget from the SFMTA could bring more service — but at a cost.

10 years ago

BART set to cut SFO employees a break

After years of expensive commutes, SFO employees may finally be left with a little extra change in their pockets.

11 years ago

Transbay Center trims flash to save cash

With costs going through the fancy glass roof, the Transbay Transit Center may shift its exterior design to cheaper aluminum.

11 years ago

Chinatown senior died falling from window

A witness assumed 91-year-old Yee-Shui Mar fell from the window of her apartment building as she tried to hang clothes.

12 years ago

Packing state park artifacts could be costly

Turns out that closing dozens of California state parks in order to save money won’t be as easy, or cheap,…

12 years ago

Muni punts on free rides for kids

The MTA couldn't agree on a plan to offer free rides for kids that could cost taxpayers about $7 million.

12 years ago

CSU shuts out students, bumps exec salaries

Some CSU presidents are getting a 10 percent pay bump despite an announced enrollment freeze.

12 years ago

Science education in jeopardy

A new budget from Gov. Jerry Brown proposes that California high schools slice in half the current two-year science requirement…

12 years ago

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