The Bay Area added 630 positive Covid-19 cases in the past 24 hours. Statewide infection and hospitalization rates paint an even more bleak picture. The reality is that the virus is spiking across the country and the local story is following that trend despite aggressive shelter-in-place orders issued early and a statewide face mask mandate.
Here’s a look at how the Bay Area and a few hotspots beyond are doing a little more than three months into the full-scale pandemic.
- Confirmed Cases: 2,345,854
- Deaths: 121,217
Source: John Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Center COVID-19 global tracking tool as of Tuesday at 6:16 p.m.
The president has attended two large, indoor gatherings in the past few days where most attendees declined to wear face coverings of any kind. In Phoenix, Arizona Tuesday, an estimated 3,000 young people packed into the Dream City megachurch to hear Donald Trump speak during a Students for Trump event.
Before Tuesday’s event, Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego publicly called on Trump to set an example by wearing a face mask — the number of confirmed cases in Arizona has more than doubled since June 8. Trump, like his supporters, also declined to cover his face.

This follows a campaign rally held in Tulsa, Oklahoma Saturday that drew an indoor crowd of about 6,000 people, similarly packed together and largely without face masks.
Open SFBay USA coronavirus tracker.California
- Confirmed Cases: 190,395
- Deaths: 5,619
Source: John Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Center COVID-19 global tracking tool as of Tuesday at 6:16 p.m.
Despite a statewide face covering mandate, California Covid-19 infection numbers are soaring, as are hospitalization rates. In a record-breaking week, the state reported its highest one-day gain in confirmed cases with an additional 5,019 positive test results Monday, outpacing a previous record set Saturday by more than 500.
More than half of the confirmed cases reported Monday came out of Los Angeles County alone. There are 58 counties in the state, six of them — all in Southern California — In the state’s ranking of daily confirmed cases, Southern California counties account for the top six.

Alameda County
- Confirmed Cases: 5,140
- Deaths: 120
Source: Alameda County Public Health Department as of Tuesday with data reported through Monday.
Alameda County averaged 142 new cases per day for the three-day period between Friday and Sunday. Oakland is now reporting more than 2,000 confirmed Covid-19 cases — Hayward is quickly nearing 900. There are currently 78 people hospitalized due to the coronavirus, 30 of which are being treated in intensive care units.
The Alameda County Sheriff’s Office said Monday that there are currently no Santa Rita Jail inmates in custody with active Covid-19 infections. There are, however, 32 confirmed active cases among jail staff members. Sixty-two cases have been cumulatively identified among the incarcerated population — 10 were released while still ill.

Contra Costa County
- Confirmed Cases: 2,454
- Deaths: 62
Source: Contra Costa Health Services as of Tuesday at 11:30 a.m.
Contra Costa continues to cause serious alarm as the number of new cases strikes a new blow each day, a pattern that began with reporting Friday reflecting 101 confirmed Covid-19 infections in a 24-hour period. Friday marked the highest one-day change since the county began tracking pandemic data. Eighty cases were added Sunday, and another 87 were reported Monday.
The spike is unfortunately not isolated to just infections — a total of six people died Saturday as a result, which was the largest one-day loss of life due to Covid-19 the county has experienced to date.
Richmond represents a little less than a quarter of the county’s total confirmed case count. The second highest number of infections is currently found in Concord.
Supervisors and election officials announced Tuesday they will forge ahead with a massive effort to encourage eligible voters to cast ballots by mail in the November election. The move is aimed to reduce in-person contact and protect voters’ health as the state contends with Covid-19 concerns.
The county also is making preliminary plans for approximately 100 physical polling sites and hopes to attract younger poll workers who are less susceptible to severe health complications if infected with the virus. Another three “satellite” voting centers and 45 drop-boxes for mail-in ballots are planned to create additional convenience.
Supervisors John Gioia and Federal Glover expressed desire to increase the number of voting days as a way to mitigate large gatherings at in-person polling sites.

Mail-in ballots will be sent with “I Voted” stickers.
Marin County*
- Confirmed Cases: 1,440
- Deaths: 18
Source: Marin Health and Human Services as of Tuesday.
*Marin County began reporting San Quentin State Prison cases separately, but for the purposes of tracking actual infections and potential impact on hospitalization rates, we’ve included prison-derived cases with the county’s cumulative total.
The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation reported Tuesday that 456 San Quentin State Prison inmates and staff members have contracted Covid-19. Forty-seven staff members are included in that total, six of whom have recovered and returned to work. The remaining 409 cases came from inmates and of those, two have been released. All inmate cases are currently active.
The cumulative total from San Quentin reported Tuesday reflects an approximate 60 percent increase since Friday.
Napa County
- Confirmed Cases: 245
- Deaths: 4
Source: Department of Health and Human Services as of Tuesday at 1:30 p.m.
Napa County has seen a relative spike in new infections through June. Of the 245 cases identified cumulatively, 110 are still active.
San Francisco
- Confirmed Cases: 3,219
- Deaths: 48
Source: San Francisco Department of Public Health with data reported through Monday.
San Francisco officials announced Monday that several businesses may be permitted to reopen sooner than originally anticipated. The accelerated reopening schedule is pending approval of a variance requested from the California Department of Public Health, which has already been granted to most counties.
Hair salons, barber shops, tattoo shops, zoos, outdoor bars and outdoor swimming facilities are among the businesses or services that could reopen as soon as Monday, which is more than two weeks sooner than the pre-variance schedule calls for.

The variance allows for greater local control to move schedules up if data for each of the five health indicators remain steady. The five indicators being closely monitored include hospitalization rates, daily new case counts, testing operations, contact tracing and personal protective equipment supply.
The south end of the Golden Gate Bridge has been reopened for weekday public parking after months of closure, officials said Monday.
San Mateo County
- Confirmed Cases: 2,901
- Deaths: 104
Source: San Mateo County Health Department with data reported through Monday.
County health officials reported an additional 69 positive Covid-19 test results Monday, which represents the largest one-day gain since April 3. There are currently 27 coronavirus patients hospitalized countywide, nine are in ICU beds.
Five percent of the 58,104 tests administered have returned positive results.
Patients from long-term care facilities have shouldered the brunt of the county’s death toll. The 71 deaths stemming from LCFs represent nearly 70 percent of all Covid-19 deaths in San Mateo County.

Santa Clara County
- Confirmed Cases: 3,727
- Deaths: 154
Source: Santa Clara County Public Health Department as of Tuesday.
Santa Clara County, the Bay Area’s original Covid-19 epicenter, began seeing marked improvement in the number of new infections in mid-April. However, mirroring regional and statewide spikes, the past two weeks have seen a surge in new cases.
Thankfully, infections reported from the area’s long-term care facilities are remaining fairly low, substantially lower than what was experienced at the region’s height in April.
Solano County
- Confirmed Cases: 1,020
- Deaths: 23
Source: Solano Public Health as of Tuesday at 4:30 p.m.
Of the area’s more than 1,000 confirmed Covid-19 cases, 221 are still active and 22 of those patients are currently hospitalized. The highest one-day gain, 60 new cases, was experienced a week ago Wednesday.

Sonoma County
- Confirmed Cases: 956
- Deaths: 5
Source: County of Sonoma with data as of Tuesday.
The city of Santa Rosa will start charging for downtown hourly and permit parking as of July 1. A moratorium on the fees went into effect April 14 to accommodate the countywide shelter-in-place order issued as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.
City officials said that ending the waiver is necessary to ensure adequate parking space for restaurants and retail businesses that are beginning to reopen. However, free and reduced parking options will be available for the remainder of the year.
- Confirmed Cases: 9,237,691
- Deaths: 476,911
Source: John Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Center COVID-19 global tracking tool as of Tuesday at 6:16 p.m.
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