Mayor Ed Lee pays off Super Bowl bet
Mayor Ed Lee made good on his Super Bowl bet Friday with some community service — and some eating — in Baltimore.
Mayor Ed Lee made good on his Super Bowl bet Friday with some community service — and some eating — in Baltimore.
Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake put San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee to work to pay off his Super Bowl bet Friday.
Lee and Rawlings-Blake agreed the losing mayor would help out AmeriCorps in the winning city with a day of community service and feast on local crab.
They started the day off with a trip to Faidley’s Seafood at Lexington Market for some Maryland blue crab.
Lucky for Rawlings-Blake that the Ravens won, since she hates dungeness crab. She told WBAL how glad she was she got to share Maryland blue crabs with Lee instead:
“From the sounds he’s making, I know he enjoys it, and I’m glad because I thought I was going to have to eat those dungeness crabs.”
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After a tasty meal, the mayors got their hands dirty to help hundreds of volunteers revamp a vacant lot and repaint and repair Baltimore’s Western District police station.
Lee ended his day of service by reading to elementary school children as part of the city’s “Third Grade Reads” program that tutors children in first through third grade who are reading under their grade level.
We also participated in Third Grade Reads at Cherry Hill Elem. #servicebowl @mayoredlee @wendycncs
— Stephanie (SRB) (@MayorSRB) April 26, 2013
The mayors chose a day of community service for their Super Bowl wager to highlight the importance of volunteering. Lee said in a statement:
“I believe this day of education and service will strengthen the relationship between our two cities and promote a call of service to our communities.”
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A custom bass that went missing in 1978 is finally returned to former Jefferson Starship member Pete Sears.