Inside Pitch

Inside pitch: Graveman, Davis lead A’s in opening week

The Oakland Athletics experienced the highest of highs and the lowest of lows in week one of 2017.

7 years ago

Inside Pitch: Reviewing the A’s offseason

Two games into 2017, the Oakland Athletics have have had their off-season decisions put on display.

7 years ago

Inside Pitch: Making the most of A’s 93-loss season

Despite a second consecutive last-place finish, 2016 was far from a lost season for the Oakland Athletics.

8 years ago

Inside Pitch: A’s survive onslaught, finish week on a high

The Oakland Athletics came four outs from bringing an 0-6 week to the most catastrophic end imaginable.

8 years ago

Inside Pitch: A’s show their best, but not all at once

Oakland sits at 16-1/2 games out of the first-place spot in the AL West with 44 games left.

8 years ago

Inside Pitch: A’s 1-5 week brings precious few positives

Stumbling through a one-win week, the A's must search to find positives upon which to build.

8 years ago

Inside Pitch: A’s falter against division leaders

After a strong start to the second half, the Oakland Athletics were poised to make a patented late-season run.

8 years ago

Inside Pitch: A’s fancy themselves as contenders

Coco Crisp said return to the MLB postseason picture is as simple as winning series.

8 years ago

Inside Pitch: A’s show life to offer second half hope

The first three Oakland Athletics games of the second half delivered a preview of what the final 73 could hold.

8 years ago

Inside Pitch: Bullpen falters, A’s drop 4 of 7

The All-Star break will likely bring trade offers to the Oakland Athletics front office.

8 years ago

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