
Mussel-eating beach visitor poisoned by shellfish toxin

Marin County Public Health has confirmed one case of illness from paralytic shellfish poison.

6 years ago

Marin issues warnings over toxic shellfish

Marin County Public Health officials are warning people not to harvest mussels, clams and oysters along the county coast.

7 years ago

Final oysters plucked from Drakes Bay

The last commercial oysters have been removed from Drakes Bay following the closure of the oyster farm.

10 years ago

Odd allies align to save Drakes Bay oysters

The ongoing battle over the fate of Drakes Bay Oyster Company has created some strange bedfellows.

11 years ago

No more Drakes Bay means pricier oysters

If the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals rejects Drakes Bay's final appeal to stay open, oyster prices might skyrocket.

12 years ago

Doomsday for Drakes Bay oysters

First, our Twinkies get taken away from us. Now our oysters. What's next? Nutella?

12 years ago

Chuck, don’t shuck, Drakes Bay oysters

Unless you're a daredevil, masochist or perhaps a sea otter, don't take any chances of getting sick.

12 years ago

Clock ticking on Drakes Bay oysters

It seems we're just not happy in the Bay Area without a seafood crisis imperiling some of our favorite delights.

13 years ago

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