Billion-dollar potential budget shortfall causes BART to sound alarm

BART will likely need a new funding source in coming years, as fare revenue is expected to fall well short…

2 years ago

A penny for your thoughts — and your miles

A new idea to tax Bay Area drivers on a per-mile basis would be the first in the nation —…

12 years ago

Electric Caltrain jolts forward

Sometime this decade, you won't need to be a superhero to get up and down the Peninsula at lightning speed.

12 years ago

City’s dynamic parking scheme paying off

Each new meter hauled in an extra $267 during the pilot program compared to the old meter in its place.

12 years ago

Get ready for $2.50 Muni

As your Muni train creeps this morning, close your eyes and dream your ride was 25 percent faster. Or cleaner.…

12 years ago

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