
Undocu­mented immigrant admitted to State Bar

The California Supreme Court ruled this week that 36-year-old Sergio Garcia can practice law.

10 years ago

Immig­ration reform queued as next Obama battle

President Barack Obama is urging Congress to complete a stalled immigration overhaul — amid GOP opposition.

11 years ago

Women retell on stage their border crossing stories

A new play showcases about a dozen women recounting the struggles and sacrifices they made to enter the U.S.

11 years ago

Senate committee debates immigration reform

A US Senate committee opened debate Thursday on an immigration reform bill backed by President Barack Obama.

11 years ago

Filipino immigrant faces 24-year delay

Arnulfo Babiera applied for a US green card a decade ago. But at the current rate, his wait could extend…

11 years ago

Senators unveil immigration reform details

A bipartisan group of lawmakers laid out immigration reform Tuesday that would provide a path to citizenship for millions.

11 years ago

Obama unveils plan for immigration reform

President Obama is pushing both political parties to come up with an agreement to solve America's immigration problems.

11 years ago

Obama preps push for immigration reform

President Barack Obama will travel West this week to push for rapid immigration reform, one of his top priorities for…

11 years ago

Immigrant students hit Obama with a sit-in

The political sit-in took a new turn Thursday as unauthorized immigrant students occupied President Obama's Oakland campaign office.

12 years ago

Adiós, El Balazo

The once-popular chain's owner has been sentenced to prison and ordered to pay more than $2.2 million to the IRS.

12 years ago

Jesus Saved?

UCSF announced today that it will “move forward” with giving Jesus Navarro, an unauthorized immigrant from Oakland, the kidney transplant…

12 years ago

No legal status, no transplant

UCSF doctors are denying Jesus Navarro a life-saving kidney transplant because he is an unauthorized immigrant.

12 years ago

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