Days after the Benicia City Council passed a stringent mask mandate, neighboring Vallejo may follow suit.
The Vallejo City Council will hold a special meeting Tuesday to discuss adoption of a resolution requiring individuals to wear masks while indoor buildings open to the public and enclosed public spaces.
Vallejo’s interim City Manager Anne Cardwell wrote in a staff report to the council:
“Due to the increase in the Delta variant, COVID-19 cases have significantly increased in Solano County. The City has an important governmental interest in protecting the health, safety, and welfare of its citizens and businesses and to maintain and enhance a high quality of life.”
Just this week, the Benicia City Council unanimously passed an ordinance requiring people aged 4 and up to wear a mask while inside any buildings open to the public.

Vallejo’s proposed mask mandate requires all persons, whether fully vaccinated against Covid-19, to wear “well-fitted” face masks in all indoor public settings. These spaces include theaters, business offices, bars, retail stores, restaurants, among others.
The mask mandate, which would take effect immediately, would also apply toward anyone entering state and local government buildings.
It wouldn’t apply for individuals alone in a room, actively eating/drinking, while showering and or swimming in a fitness facility, participating in a religious service, while receiving medical care or playing a sport, according to the ordinance.
With the delta variant becoming the dominant strain, all Bay Area counties — except Solano County — have instituted mask mandates.
Dr. Bela Matyas, Solano County’s health officer, has previously said that a new mask mandate won’t be effective in Solano County because the science shows county residents are being infected at large gatherings.
There are currently 904 county residents infected with Covid-19, according to data provided by the county.
The Vallejo City Council will meet at 8 p.m. Tuesday.
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