Dublin Planning Commission approves 165.5-acre East Ranch housing development

The Dublin Planning Commission on Tuesday approved Trumark Homes’ East Ranch housing development, sending the project to the City Council for a final decision.

The development would consist of 573 units on a 165.5-acre site, totaling six neighborhoods and two parks. The project would straddle existing Croak Road with Jordan Ranch to the west, the Positano development to the north, and undeveloped land to the east and south, with Interstate Highway 580 just beyond.

The approval passed 3-2, with commissioners Stephen Wright and Renata Tyler dissenting. Wright said the developer isn’t including enough affordable housing, and Tyler said there’s not enough information to move forward.

City of Dublin/Trumark Homes Trumark Homes illustrative site plan for a proposed 165.5-acre development in the Fallon Village area of Dublin, Calif. (Courtesy of City of Dublin/Trumark Homes)

The property is undeveloped and located within the Fallon Village area of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. One 5.5-acre public park would be on the northwestern corner of the site, and another 6-acre park would be near the project’s main entry point, east of Croak Road and north of Central Parkway.

Five neighborhoods would be single-family homes, the sixth would include 100 rowhomes in a combination of two and three-story buildings with a maximum height of 45 feet.

The project is required to provide at least 72 affordable units. Trumark is proposing to meet the requirements by building 18 moderate-income units, payment of in-lieu fees for 25 units at $217,696 per unit and dedicating 2 acres for a future affordable housing project of 77 low- and very-low income rental units. The company would also construct 50 deed-restricted accessory dwelling units, affordable to low-income households.

Last modified November 10, 2021 11:48 am

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