A fire Saturday night displaced the residents of a 10-unit apartment building in Santa Rosa, fire officials said.
The blaze was reported shortly after 10 p.m. at a two-story building in the 200 block of Burt Street, where firefighters found a first-floor apartment on fire, the Santa Rosa Fire Department said in a news release on Sunday.
Flames had spread up the outside of the building and into two apartments above the first-floor unit.
A second alarm was called and firefighters used hose lines on the blaze, facing heavy flames and heat.
No residents were found inside the building and all who lived there escaped the blaze. One resident was treated for smoke inhalation. A dog was rescued from one unit, given oxygen and then reunited with its owner, fire officials said.

The fire was brought under control in about 45 minutes. Four apartments were gutted and deemed uninhabitable. The other six units units weren’t damaged but gas and electric utilities were shut off by PG&E.
Four residents were assisted by Red Cross with shelter needs and all other residents are staying with friends and family, according to the fire department.
The cause is under investigation. Damages are estimated at $600,000, fire officials said.
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