Demand for on-street parking space is on the rise now that fewer people are relying on public transit. In response, the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency is reinstating parking meter rates Monday to levels near pre-pandemic levels.
On April 1, when most businesses were closed and traffic diminished due to the city’s shelter-in-place order, the agency lowered parking meter rates to 50 cents per hour — down from the average hourly rate of $2.50 — and suspended meter time limits.

Now that some businesses are starting to reopen, the agency hopes to dissuade drivers from leaving cars parked in one spot all day as a way to ensure parking spaces remain available in commercial corridors.
Parking meter rates will vary based on the area’s demand and time of day and will be discounted by 50 cents, the transit agency said.
Parking control officers will resume meter enforcement beginning July 13.
Officials said meters are being deep cleaned as crews conduct collection and maintenance work.
The agency is also adjusting the schedule for rate changes. Normally, the agency increases or decreases rates by 25 cents every three months or leaves the rate unchanged, but they will instead make adjustments every six weeks to accommodate the changing environment during the pandemic.

The SFMTA last month reinstated street sweeping violations to improve Public Works staff access to curbs for street cleaning activities.
Residential parking permits and neighborhood time limits are currently not being enforced, the agency says.
Jerold serves as a reporter and San Francisco Bureau Chief for SFBay covering transportation and occasionally City Hall and the Mayor's Office in San Francisco. His work on transportation has been recognized by the San Francisco Press Club. Born and raised in San Francisco, he graduated from San Francisco State University with a degree in journalism. Jerold previously wrote for the San Francisco Public Press, a nonprofit, noncommercial news organization. When not reporting, you can find Jerold taking Muni to check out new places to eat in the city.