The Walnut Creek City Council will on Tuesday discuss approving the North Downtown Specific Plan, a 30-year vision and regulatory framework for future development of new homes, offices, community and retail space within the northern downtown area.
The plan is the product of five years’ worth of public meetings, other community input and discussion by local government panels. There were 14 stakeholder interviews and focus group meetings in February 2017, plus three community workshops and three online surveys.
Among the downtown plan’s goals are to help reinforce the downtown area as a regional attraction, increase urbanized development near the Walnut Creek BART station, add jobs to downtown, attract auto dealerships to the North Downtown zone, enhance non-vehicular transportation (especially for bicyclists and pedestrians) and to “direct and facilitate reinvestment and redevelopment within this portion of the core area of the city.” Tuesday’s meeting begins at 6 p.m. at City Hall, 1666 N. Main St.

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