San Francisco man was found guilty Wednesday of several felony charges including rape, unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor, pimping and pandering, according to the district attorney’s office.
Jaime Marcelo, 34, preyed on a 16-year-old he knew was a minor when the crimes were committed, San Francisco prosecutors said.
In October 2010, Marcelo lured the victim to his home and kept her there until the next month, when he was arrested for slashing the tires of a man Marcelo believed did not pay him enough for sex with the victim, prosecutors said.
Marcelo raped the victim while she stayed with him out of fear, prosecutors said.
An investigation led to a warrant being issued for his arrest in February 2011.
He was taken into custody on July 30, 2013, while trying to cross the U.S. border into Mexico, prosecutors said.
Prosecutors said Marcelo forced the victim to prostitute herself two times in October and November 2010.
District Attorney George Gascon said in a statement:
“This young woman was terrorized by this predator, but (Wednesday) the community held him accountable for his violent crimes…He preyed upon this victim’s vulnerabilities, such as the fact that she was disadvantaged and undocumented.”
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Cosby Bill accused of drugging and raping 45 women in various countries.
Fact: 98% of rape victims don’t lie. 98% of 45 = 44 accusers are not lying.
Fact: 73% of victims know their rapist. 5% of rape crimes are reported!
Fact: The 45 Cosby accusers may represent just 5% of Cosby rape victims.
Fact: 95% of rape crimes are never reported. Victims fear rapist reprisal.
Fact: No matter the statistics used, all conclude Cosby is a serial rapist.
Fact: It only requires 2 confirmed victims to be convicted a serial rapist.
Cosby has been accused of raping for 50 years, not just once 30 years ago.
Cosby will never challenge his accusers. He fears due process exposure.
Cosby When it comes to “Innocent until Proven Guilty” is a cliché, a joke!
Cosby an accused rapist has no one to blame but himself. Cosby owns this.
The “Statute of Limitations” does not apply to serial rapists. It never has!
Governments and Courts share a fiduciary duty to prosecute Bill Cosby.
Media also have a fiduciary duty to publish Cosby serial rapist accusations.
Cosby must face due process; Set him free or convict him a serial rapist.
For due proess to happen we must be relentless in sharing these messages.
Please CARE: HELP eliminate the “Rape Culture” TODAY. #cosbyrapistlaw
We must never ever grow tired of hearing about or defending these victims.
These victims represent all of us, our families, our children, our daughters.
Cosby supporters anger stems from Cosby’s betrayal of their beliefs in him.
Imagine for a moment Cosby raped your daughter! Can you still support him!
Talk to people; contact Governments, Media, Celebrities, Friends, etc…
Share this link with everyone. Why, VICTIMS MATTER. Thank you for caring.
I read this recently and I am at a loss defending Bill Cosby any longer.