Schaaf names Tomiquia Moss chief of staff
Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf announced the first two members of her administration, a chief of staff and a communications director.
Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf announced the first two members of her administration, a chief of staff and a communications director.
In her first full day on the job, Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf Tuesday announced the appointment of the first two members of her administration, a chief of staff and a communications director.
Schaaf, who was sworn in on Monday afternoon, named Tomiquia Moss as her chief of staff and Erica Terry Derryck as her communications director. Schaaf said in a statement:
“As a team, Tomiquia and Erica cannot be beat in terms of experience and dedication to the city of Oakland.”
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Schaaf said:
“Individually these women have the know-how and the commitment to make transformative change in Oakland a reality. As a team, I am confident that they will be a force that takes our city to the next level.”
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‘Moss recently served as the senior advisor and director of the HOPE SF initiative, a large-scale public housing and neighborhood revitalization effort by San Francisco Mayor Edwin Lee. Previously, Moss worked as the community planning policy director for SPUR, an urban planning policy think tank.
Before that, she served as the founding project director of the San Francisco Community Justice Center, a partnership between The City, San Francisco Superior Court and local nonprofits.
Derryck has held senior-level communications positions with national and local non-profit and policy organizations and served as communications director for the San Francisco District Attorney’s Office under Kamala Harris and George Gascon.
Derryck has held senior-level communications positions with national and local non-profit and policy organizations and served as communications director for the San Francisco District Attorney’s Office under Kamala Harris and George Gascón.
She currently is on the global affairs team at Gap Inc. Moss said:
“I am thrilled to join Mayor Schaaf’s leadership team. I believe that we all have a role to play in making Oakland the best city that it can be and I am honored to serve as Mayor Schaaf’s chief of staff.”
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Derryck said:
“I am excited to be a part of the incredible team Mayor Schaaf is assembling to serve Oakland and tell its amazing story. The passion Oaklanders like Mayor Schaaf feel for our city is infectious and I look forward to helping her turn that energy into action that benefits all of Oakland.”
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Schaaf previously said that she hopes to name a new city administrator as soon as possible. Applications for that post close on Friday.
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