Norberto Duenas named interim San Jose city manager
The San Jose City Council today voted unanimously to appoint Norberto Duenas as interim city manager to replace City Manager Ed Shikada.
The San Jose City Council today voted unanimously to appoint Norberto Duenas as interim city manager to replace City Manager Ed Shikada.
The San Jose City Council today voted unanimously to appoint an interim city manager to replace City Manager Ed Shikada who announced earlier this month he would leave the post effective Thursday, a city spokeswoman said.
The council chose Norberto Duenas, a 28-year city employee who has been deputy city manager since 2008 and was interim assistant city manager from December 2013 to last May, San Jose Mayor Chuck Reed spokeswoman Michelle McGurk said.
As deputy city manager, Duenas has overseen neighborhood and community services such as libraries, housing, parks and recreation, according to McGurk. Duenas, in a prepared statement, acknowledged that he would be serving temporarily during a period of transition, as the city will welcome new Mayor Sam Liccardo and several new city council members next month.
Duenas said:
“I will do my best to support the council and lead our staff while the Mayor and City Council recruit our next city manager in the coming months so that we can ensure stability and continuity.”
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Shikata, who became city manager on Dec. 21, 2013, announced on Dec. 17 he would resign his $250,000 salaried position as of Thursday, saying in a statement that he understood “the City Council’s desire for a change in management approach.”
The position of city manager serves as the city’s chief administrative officer, reports to the council and watches over the city’s $2.9 billion budget and 5,600 employees.
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