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Shocking anti-gay rant shuts Yoshi’s show

Given that folk-punk artist Michelle Shocked has a history of referring to herself as an “anarchist” and “sophisticated hillbilly,” her fans probably go to see her performances expecting her to at least somewhat live up to her name.

The audience at her Sunday night performance at Yoshi’s, however, were probably not ready to be so “shocked” and disgusted that they would get up and leave before the performance was even over.

Shocked shut down the night club after going on an anti-gay rant at the beginning of her second set in which she reportedly claimed to “live in fear that the world will be destroyed if gays are allowed to marry.”

Given the fact that Yoshi’s had to shut the whole place down, we’re assuming nobody else in the building shared her hate-laden opinion.

Matt Penfield, live-tweeted the performance for Shocked that he believed the performer’s rant was premeditated:

Penfield’s wife, Christine, tweeted from the audience:

Her need to vocalize her homophobia seems timed with the Supreme Court hearing arguments on Prop 8 and DOMA at the end of this month.

This isn’t the first time that Shocked has alienated her fans either. The member of the Pentacostal West Angeles Church of God in Christ previously caused outrage when she openly spoke against abortion.

Shocked reportedly capped off Sunday’s tirade with “You can go on Twitter and say ‘Michelle Shocked says God hates fags.’” Which they did, calling her a “bigot” and suggesting that she “go back on your meds.”

While Yoshi’s has not appeared to issue any comment on the matter, we are betting that they won’t be asking Shocked to return any time soon.

Last modified March 20, 2013 1:25 pm

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