Sections Crime

String of robberies plague Lower Haight

As a city dweller or visitor, you may have been already casually warned.

Hang around the Lower Haight  — or any number of trendy city neighborhoods — after the sun goes down, and you could be targeted by the homeless, drug users or any other criminal looking for an easy target.

This warning is a lot more serious.

In the past two weeks there have been four reported gunpoint robberies, all happening around Fillmore Street in the Lower Haight, all right around midnight.

The first occurred June 27, where a woman was robbed of her wallet and cell phone at around 10:45 p.m. on Fillmore and Duboce.

Another man was robbed at gunpoint the next day barely before midnight on Fillmore and Waller.

Local Addition reports another man was robbed July 1 at Webster and Waller at around 10:45 p.m. The victim turned over his backpack to the assailant, who took off on foot.

Two nights later, a resident was robbed on the front steps of his own home on Page Street west of Fillmore at 11:15 p.m.

A man approached asking the resident for a cigarette, then proceeded to pull out a gun and rob the man of his cell phone.

It is unknown whether these incidents are related. But whether they are or not, protect yourself by staying aware, traveling with other people when possible, and not getting so damn plastered you can’t even walk straight, let alone defend yourself.

Last modified July 11, 2012 3:17 pm


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