Sections News

Tagger hits $38 mil Pac Heights mansion

Dear 5-year-old graffiti artist,

I’m writing you to let you know that, while we appreciate your offer to add art to the front walk of San Francisco’s second most expensive property, we will no longer be requiring your artistic eye and unsolicited tag jobs at 2901 Broadway Street.

While we certainly admire your vigorous need to add an artistic touch to the $38 million home on Billionaire’s Row, we find that it doesn’t fit the rest of the property.

Your tag’s scribble-y nature doesn’t fit the Renaissance-inspired structure of the manor.

And up against the rest of the property — once owned by President Herbert Hoover — which expands to include gardens and a tennis court, your foot-tall artwork appears pithy and uninspired.

If we didn’t know any better, we’d think your scribbles were out of disrespect for the Gold Coast property.

Now, I understand how frustrating it is to see a sprawling SF mansion being sold for gazillions of dollars at a time when a massive chunk of The City’s population has to scrape change together just to make their morning BART commute.

But that is no reason to half-ass a tag job on the stairway of such a lovely home.

And frankly, after this little display, I’m going to laugh the next time someone tries to tell me that graffiti art is a lost medium.

So we ask that you take your spray cans elsewhere. Or, at least perfect your craft with a couple art school courses and a sprawling mural on a downtown building.

Thank you for your time.


Everyone Who Saw Your Graffiti Work On Curbed SF

Last modified April 14, 2012 8:03 pm


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