Human crossing in the works on I-580
After years of near impassibility, the I-580 corridor between Dublin and Pleasanton will soon be friendlier to bikers and hikers.
After years of near impassibility, the I-580 corridor between Dublin and Pleasanton will soon be friendlier to bikers and hikers.
There’s a concrete giant spanning the gap between Dublin and Pleasanton known as Interstate 580. For cars it’s a boon, a quick route its drivers take for granted. But for walkers and bikers, it’s like a bouncer standing in front of the door to your favorite club. Not an impassable barrier, but a pain to get past.
Now, relief is in sight. Planners have devised an off-road path for people to walk or ride under I-580. The plan will cost about $2.4 million and won’t be completed until this fall, but it will provide an easier path for people going between the two sides for work, school, shopping, and eating.
Jim Townsend, trails program manager at the East Bay Regional Park District, coordinates the project and told the CoCo Times:
“This is a critical new trail link making it easier to get around in a busy travel corridor.”
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The best part is, it’s super logical. Already there are trails on opposite sides of I-580, but they are separated by a nearly 800-foot gap. The planned trail will be the first time they actually connect.
Kurt Kummer of Pleasanton enjoys hiking and riding the Pleasanton side of the trail. He told the CoCo Times:
“It has been incredibly frustrating not to have protected trail to cross under the freeway.”
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He’s now looking forward to being able to get all the way across.
Groundbreaking will take place on Tuesday at 11 a.m., and construction will begin by next week.
The project was jointly planned and funded by a number of agencies and governing bodies including the cities of Dublin and Pleasanton, the Alameda County Transportation Commission, and the regional park district. $1 million of the project’s funding came from federal funds.
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