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This ain’t football, it’s the Har-Bowl, baby!

Are sports fans thinking about how much mash and gravy they’re going to devour on Thanksgiving?

Heck no. They’re thinking about the Har-Bowl, baby!

Sure, Thursday night’s football showdown is bound to be a terrific game between two “hungry” teams. But it isn’t the players or the teams themselves that make this match-up so sensationalized. Everyone—critics, fans, show hosts, former players—is obsessed with the Harbaugh brothers.

Anyone so stoked to see the 9-1 49ers to do battle against the ever-feisty 7-3 Baltimore Ravens that they can’t stand it?

Heck no, they’re jones-ing to see split-screen camera shots of the Harbaughs on their respective sidelines, simultaneously yelling into their headsets. Because it’s the Har-Bowl, baby!

Juiced to watch Frank Gore pummel through the insane D-line consisting of mega-titans Ed Reed and Terrell Suggs?

Psshh! Maybe after John and Jim lie down on the 50 yard line and arm wrestle during halftime.

Because it’s the Har-Bowl! Baby!

Now, there are no doubt San Fran fans out here that are genuinely looking forward to watching their favorite team play on Turkey Day. These fans are probably thinking about the fact that the 9ers are traveling three time zones on short rest to play on Baltimore’s home soil.

Or wondering if a schitzo Ravens team will be half-asleep at game time, or ready to pound the competition into the turf? Or wondering if Ravens star linebacker Ray Lewis, who has been sidelined with a foot injury, will be healthy enough to play Thursday night?

Spectators should also be taking into consideration how each team’s star players will match up. Will the 49ers defense get the best of Joe Flacco and his pension for interceptions? Or will the Baltimore QB one-up Alex Smith and make good on those 13 touchdowns and 2,576 yards he has for this season? And Gore is still a master rusher. But will he be overshadowed by a very hot Ray Rice, who’s 158 carries for 663 yards has rendered him eight touchdowns?

And the 49ers might be 4-0 on the road, but the Ravens are 5-0 at home.

But, no need to ponder all of that right now. Stats can all be taken into consideration after we hear how John and his little brother Jim plan on celebrating after the game.

What did you expect?

That’s why it’s called the Har-Bowl, baby!


Last modified November 25, 2011 1:09 pm

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