SF aims for Santas- sans- skivvies record
What? Naked people? Yeah, what about ‘em? Public nudity isn’t much of a shocker around these parts. But wait! This time, it’s for Guinness.
What? Naked people? Yeah, what about ‘em? Public nudity isn’t much of a shocker around these parts. But wait! This time, it’s for Guinness.
What? Naked people? Yeah, what about ‘em?
This is San Francisco. Public nudity isn’t much of a shocker around these parts. It’s as common as a pizza-by-the-slice joint, a fogged-in coffee spot or a messy-haired hipster in a beat-up pair of Toms.
But wait! This time, it’s for Guinness.
As a part of this year’s Santacon—a worldwide, booze-soaked excuse for everyone to get trashed and run around town dressed as Santa Claus—City residents are rallying to break the Guinness world record for Most Naked Santas in one place.
Sure, Naked Santa already has a spot in the infamous world record almanac. But what better city to break that record than the city that brings you full-frontal exposure in pretty much every parade or carnival we host? I mean, come on, Folsom Street Fair? Pride? Lovefest?
Seriously, the Chinese New Year parade might be the only SF-thrown shindig that doesn’t promote any pants-dropping shenanigans.
Participants in the Naked Santa gathering will be required to be in a Santa hat, and will be allowed to wear boots and gloves. But outside of that, according to the event’s Facebook page “it’s Full Monty or nuthin.”
San Francisco’s 10th Annual Santacon will take place December 10, with the official location of the Naked Santas to be announced on the evening of December 9.
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